What’s growing in your life?


As we turn the corner into Spring, many of us think about planting and growing and gardens, etc. Even if it’s not your “thing,” chances are you still enjoy and appreciate seeing the signs of life sprouting from the soil. But what about your own soil?

One of my favorite parables is Jesus’ description of a farmer going out to plant seed. (Mark 4:1-20) Some seed lands on the path. Some on the rocky soil. Some in with the weeds. And some lands in fertile soil and signs of life start sprouting up.

The question: what makes the difference? The answer: the soil. Here’s the rub: each of us is in control of the condition of our soil.

  • Our soil could be the pathway, where the Enemy of God has free reign, and marches right in and snatches the seed. Result: no signs of life.
  • It could be the rocky soil, where there is an initial burst of growth and life, but when the scorching heat of difficulty comes long, our lack of rootedness leads to a parched and fruitless life.
  • It could be the thorny soil, where “the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth” choke out the seed, and our life is again a mere shadow of the growth and fruitfulness we long for.
  • Or, we could be the good soil, where our life bears fruit, and in this world that is starved for real news about the real God, we could actually be the best news people ever see.

The choice is ours. The challenge is to invest in soil conditioning, of changing our soil from a non-fruitful state to a fruitful and fertile state.

So as you drive past the local nursery or garden supply store this month, let your thoughts run toward another kinds of soil…the soil of your heart. And ask yourself, “what kind of conditioning does my soil need this season in order to produce a harvest?” What’s missing? What needs to be removed?

-Pastor Mark

Posted on March 23, 2017, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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